size: W19 * H10 * D4 CM
Gucci Style Number: 621892
Payment: Paypal.
Shipping: Fedex/UPS/DHL, EMS.
Supplier: Replica Gucci Handbags Wholesaler
Brand: Gucci.
Gucci Style Number: 621892
Payment: Paypal.
Shipping: Fedex/UPS/DHL, EMS.
Supplier: Replica Gucci Handbags Wholesaler
Brand: Gucci.
- Valerie G.
- I ordered 2 bags, for the large size, Love plenty of room for all your stuff but separate areas and zip compartments so you don’t have a hard time finding everything like you do in some bucket bags! Quality material and lining.
- amber smith
- This gucci product is better than described. The photos do not do it justice.
- Scott
- Just what I was looking for and will probably order other colors for this gucci bag.
- evaernster
- Very pleased with this gucci purse. Seems to be made well. Fast delivery. Perfect size and lots of pockets!!
- Emily Thomas
- I received the package today. all of the bags were packed well. Absolutely love the large gucci handbag!! Lots of room and the leather is very soft and supple! My favorite detail is that I can access my weapon from either side!
- Denise
- Seems very well made! I would buy again. Came very quickly.
- Lori Berner
- This is much nicer than I expected for the cost
- Michelle Kimsey
- A very well made and roomy hand bag! I love it so much that this is the second gucci I ordered!
- wanda theis
- Bight it for my daughter. She loved it!! Great gucci bag.
- Lorraine
- This replica gucci purse does not disappoint. Feels like real gucci bag and just the right size. Not too big not too small
Write a Customer Review
- Qis it safe for buying from this site? after I make the payment, will you send the package?
- AWe are honest seller. Only honest seller can accept PayPal. PayPal will protect buyer.
We want to make business with you for long time. Not one time. We will send best quality goods to you.
If you like the goods after you receive the package. you may order other items on our site in the future, and you may introduce our website to friends. We will earn much more money. This is a long-term business. Our business will get better and better.
So please don't worry about the safety. - QHow Long Does It Take For Delivery ?
- AWe will ship out the package within 48 hour after you make the payment.
For shipments to the United States, most of the time, the package arrives within one week. A small number of packages arrive within 2 weeks.
For shipments to Australia, Canada and Singapore, the package arrives within 1 to 3 weeks.
For shipments to Europe and Middle East, it will take 2 to 4 weeks. - QReturn policy
- AIf you don't like the item after you receive the package, please contact us via Whatsapp within 3 days, We will give you the return address, but you need afford the cost of the round-trip shipping. And Please ship back all of the accessories your received. the item can't be used and can't be washed.
If the bag have defects, please contact us via Whatsapp, We will change for you for free. - QCan I get order confirmation or tracking number if I order something online ?
- Aif you want to get the tracking number, please contact us with whatsapp or email.
- QWhich payment method you can accept?
- AWe accept Paypal payment. it is 100% safe for buyer.
- QWhich accessories does the item comes with?
- Afor the bag, it comes with dust bag, tag, card. but don't have brand box, because the brand box is too large, the cost of shipping for brand box is very expensive. if you want to get the brand box, please contact us via whatsapp.
for the glasses and Jewelry, it comes with brand box, tag, brand shopping bag.
for the shoes, it comes with dust bag, tag.
for the belt, it comes with dust bag, shopping bag.