Replica Fendi Bags is a famous luxury brand in Italy, as the earliest leather family, fendi is the most famous of Fendi Replica Bags- FENDIBaguette handbags, resembling a baguette, designed by SilviaVenturiniFENDI of the Fendi family. In 1925, Fendi brand by Adele Fendi formally established in Rome, specializing in the production of high-quality fur Replica Fendi Handbags. In 1955, Fendi held the first fashion conference. 1965, as Carle Lagerfeld (Karl Lagerfeld) to join fendi gradually increased senior women, men's clothing, footwear, perfume. Subsequently, the company gradually developed and expanded, expanding the scope of business to knitted clothing, swimwear and other categories, and even developed jewelry, men's perfume and so on. So far, the Fendi brand has enjoyed a high reputation in the world's haute couture for its luxury furs and classic handbags.
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